Our office is sensitive to the personal needs of our clients particularly when it comes to highly emotional situations concerning marriage, dissolution, alimony, child custody, and child Support.
In each of these areas, our firm has substantial experience concerning the sensitivities involved in these highly charged situations and provides substantial counseling on how an individual should proceed in these kinds of matters.
In cases where children are involved, my first requirement for clients is that I expect my client to be able to put the interests of their kids first. The kids are not getting divorced. The kids should not be put in the middle of the parents' conflict.
Our firm takes great pride in its representation of children in divorce and custody matters. In fact, our firm has in the past been by the Court as Minor's Counsel in connection with such matters. In these particular cases, our firm recognizes its tremendous responsibility to truly do what is in the best interest of the children involved.
Also, in cases where minor children are not an issue, or with respect to issues not involving the children, our office prefers clients to know what they want to accomplish in the outcome of their case and want to keep control of in their own future and destiny.
Our firm is regularly involved in divorce of couples who have substantial business assets and use its vast array of outside resources such as forensic accountants and investigators typically required to litigate or mediate these kinds of divorces. In addition, our firm works very closely with the business valuation experts necessary to value our clients or their spouses business interests as well as their retirement assets such as 401K's, IRA's or Traditional Pension Plans that will become a part of Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO). Such an Order allows for such retirement assets to be divided at the time of the divorce.
Our office accepts clients who want us to aggressively fight for their rights and the rights of their children.